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10 Stories Where Reality Turned Out to Be More Entertaining Than Any Sitcom

10 Stories Where Reality Turned Out to Be More Entertaining Than Any Sitcom

Views: 1035

Life has a funny way of outshining even the best sitcoms, with its unpredictable twists and turns that often leave us laughing in disbelief. We’ve found 10 stories that show how sometimes the most entertaining moments aren’t scripted, but simply happen. They prove that truth can be stranger and much funnier than fiction, giving us all a reason to appreciate the humor in our own everyday lives.


I was waiting at a road crossing with loads of other strangers, waiting for the man to turn green. A little girl on the other side of the road did the most accurate impression of the ’beep beep’ that the crossing makes, so blind people know it’s safe to cross, and the entire crowd of people just stepped into the road.

I had seen her do it, so I stayed put, but I couldn’t stop laughing. My girlfriend was confused. 50 adults pranked by one absolute genius 6ish year old. It was magical. It was really busy, so traffic was hardly moving, there wasn’t a chance of being injured.

kingbluetit / Reddit


The first time I went to my current dentist , and he examined my teeth, it went something like this:

Dentist: Oh, looks like you still have all 4 wisdom teeth!

Me: Yea, never got them pulled.

D: Yea, and you don’t need to, you have a lot of space back there. You actually have a really wide jaw!

Me: Haha, thanks?

D: No, it’s not bad, it’s just your whole head is really big!

He seemed really excited about my wide jaw and big head.

AquaticOwl64 / Reddit


I have a five and a half pound chihuahua. He’s about as intimidating as a bunny rabbit. I was walking him on the grass along the road.

A couple of walkers were coming near me and my dog started barking at them, so I picked him up. The guy says, “Thank you for picking him up. We were really scared.”

Unknown author / Reddit


I once was canoeing with my fiancé for the first time, and

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